“I want to be like him!”

  Bryce wants to be like his friend who is excellent at soccer, can memorize anything quickly and always has a witty comment to share. So he asked me to explain how his brain works and what he can do … Continued

The Frustrated Learner

The Frustration Profile article on my blog, which is about students with high verbal skills and weak motor skills, has gotten more hits and comments than any other blog article I have written.  What I’m realizing is that all students … Continued

Setting Summer Goals Helps Build Executive Functioning Skills

Summer is the time to relax and reflect. What went well this year? What could have been better? What can your child improve on for next year? These are good questions to discuss with your child. As you have this … Continued

Learning and Stress Can Be Related

Stress is a major factor for many students these days. Students who have a learning disability have to work harder than their typical learning peers just to keep up in the classroom. When a child has to struggle to pay … Continued

5 Tips for Fast Math

1. Make sure your child understands the concept Use Manipulatives ( beans, blocks, pennies) to help build the problems Use manipulative to solve the problems Solve the problem without manipulative 2. Do a pretest and see what your child already … Continued