Processing speed issues are challenging at all ages

Sara is now 22 years old and still struggling with processing speed issues.  Here is Sara’s story: When I was 12 years old, I was diagnosed with slow processing speed, given a 504 plan, and told this was a part of my … Continued

Mastering Executive Functioning Skills Requires Grit and Resilience

 by Melissa Mullin Ph.D. Executive functioning skills enable students to manage their workload and plan for the future. These skills allow students to break down a task and organize it as well as create a time lime for completion. Grit … Continued

What Does It Mean To Have Weak Executive Functioning Skills?

Many middle school children have difficulty with executive functioning skills. What does this really mean? For many of the students that we work with at the K& M Center this means that they are missing assignments and they are not … Continued

Executive Functioning Workbook

 By Melissa Mullin, Ph.D. and Karen Fried, PysD. Planning, organizing and following through on your plans require strong executive functioning skills. Developing these skills can take patience, guidance and practice. There are parents, teachers, executive functioning coaches and tutors who … Continued

Summer and Executive Functioning Skills

  Summer is a great time to catch up on material your child may not have mastered during the school year. Teaching reading, writing, or math concepts will have clear benefits for your child when they re-enter school in the … Continued

Metacognition Helps Build Self Regulation and Executive Functioning Skills

Metacognition is thinking about thinking, knowing “what we know” and “what we don’t know.”  This means students take time to think about what needs to be done and how to do it. These students understand how the mind works and … Continued

Finding the Right Intervention to Increase Processing Speed

Finding the right intervention to help your child increase his processing speed and writing skills is worth the effort. There are multiple issues to consider, including visual processing, fine motor skills, and language organization skills. When I think of the … Continued

The Frustrated Learner

The Frustration Profile article on my blog, which is about students with high verbal skills and weak motor skills, has gotten more hits and comments than any other blog article I have written.  What I’m realizing is that all students … Continued

Learning Differences: How Can Teachers Help?

Many students struggle to learn.  When a child is identified with a learning difference teachers and parents can create a plan to end the struggle. Targeted intervention and classroom accommodations help children engage in the learning process. Understanding the types … Continued

Middle School Students Need Strong Organizational Skills

“How do I help my middle schooler who doesn’t write down assignments, hand in reports or turn in papers that need to be signed!?” asked a  mom out of frustration with her child’s recent behavior. Her daughter, Emily, was a … Continued