Writing Workshops for Students with High Verbal Skills and Slow Processing Speed

  Many parents have written to me in response to my post about the Frustration Profile: High Verbal Skills with Low Processing Speed.   That article was written four years ago and remains my top post. Many students with the Frustration Profile … Continued

How do you teach executive functioning skills to a rigid child?

Today I spoke to a mom of a 10 year old boy who is struggling in school. This student, Ben, is a bright boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD and a processing speed disorder. Ben’s reading, writing and math … Continued

Slow Processing Speed…is it due to weak motor skills, weak auditory processing skills or weak executive function skills?

Slow processing speed can be due to more than just weak motor skills. Sarah’s experience highlights some of the more complex factors that should be considered for a child with slow processing speed. Sarah is a diligent, athletic and caring … Continued

How DO you teach children with learning challenges?

Effective teaching requires a connection between the teacher and the student. This is especially true when a child has a learning challenge. A close connection allows the teacher to modify and accelerate instruction as the student grows. Understanding the zone … Continued

Quick test taking tips for the “Rusher”

You know the “Rusher”. This is the student who rushes through his or her work without reading the full directions, makes careless errors, only writes down part of the homework assignment and thinks checking work is the worst offense in … Continued

Do visual learners have more difficulty with language organization than verbal learners?

Visual learners think in images. Verbal learners think primarily in words. Visual learners see the whole picture all at once allowing them to see things from many perspectives. Verbal learners learn step by step and have a tendency towards analytical … Continued

How to help your child succeed in middle school

Last week Mrs. Smith came to visit me and discuss her daughter, Sarah. Sarah is in seventh grade and has been struggling all year. Last year in sixth grade Sarah earned all A’s and B”s on her report card.  Sarah … Continued

Executive functioning skills: How To Get Your Child To Follow The Plan

  The coach comes, plans are made, checklists are created with extensive “TO DOs” and then what?  Nothing! Students with executive functioning deficits have difficulty planning, organizing and initiating projects and homework. A tutor or coach can help students fill … Continued

Find your Executive Functioning Strengths and Weakness with our FREE QUIZ

Executive Functioning refers to the skills that help you organize, plan and execute a task. If you would like to discover your own executive functioning strengths and weaknesses, take our free quiz and then read below to see how each … Continued