How to help a perfectionist finish schoolwork

  Sarah’s son, Todd, is a perfectionist who spends hours doing his homework. He gets upset whenever he doesn’t like his work and tears it up or destroys it rather than fix it. Todd creates an image in his mind of … Continued

Flashcards Build Memory Skills

All students must memorize information. The benefit of using flashcards is students can quiz themselves on the material. Quizzing has been demonstrated to help students retain information. Mixing up the cards helps students work actively and flexibly with the material. Quizlet is a great … Continued

Working Memory Strategies

Dear Melissa, My daughter is in 9th grade and has low working memory and slow processing speed. We discovered in 4th grade that she may have a Central Auditory Processing disorder.  I would appreciate any ideas you have that can help … Continued

Develop a Growth Mind-Set for Academic Success

Believing that intelligence can grow allows students to learn more. The idea that intelligence is not a fixed trait leads students to acquire deeper knowledge and do better than students who believe their intelligence is set. Studies by Carol S. … Continued

Tips to Develop Flexible Thinking Skills

“I can’t do it! It’s wrong!” Nicole announces loudly. Tears are followed by the declaration that the book is wrong. Nicole is adamant that this is not the way the teacher showed her how to do the problem. Nicole has weak flexible thinking … Continued

How to Build Initiation Skills

Starting a task requires strong initiation skills. Students who struggle to begin their work may have weak executive functioning skills. Initiation of task is a key executive functioning skill and utilizes other executive functioning skills such as planning and organization. … Continued

Time Management Tips for Students

Work smarter not harder, is a great theme for time management. People who lack time management skills tend to run late and build up stress along the way. Time management skills are important for creating a balanced life. When you … Continued

“I want to be like him!”

  Bryce wants to be like his friend who is excellent at soccer, can memorize anything quickly and always has a witty comment to share. So he asked me to explain how his brain works and what he can do … Continued

Writing Workshops for Students with High Verbal Skills and Slow Processing Speed

  Many parents have written to me in response to my post about the Frustration Profile: High Verbal Skills with Low Processing Speed.   That article was written four years ago and remains my top post. Many students with the Frustration Profile … Continued