Processing speed issues are challenging at all ages

Sara is now 22 years old and still struggling with processing speed issues.  Here is Sara’s story: When I was 12 years old, I was diagnosed with slow processing speed, given a 504 plan, and told this was a part of my … Continued

The Frustration Profile: Strong Verbal Skills with Slow Processing Speed

Glen* is a third grader who was brought to testing to determine the best teaching style for him.  Testing revealed that Glen’s overall intelligence and academic skills were in the Average range. However, great variability exists within the tests. Glen … Continued

Reading Fluency is Important

Reading easily makes reading more fun. People who read effortlessly, following the flow of sentences as they’d be spoken, have mastered reading fluency skills.  Building reading fluency is crucial to learning because once the skill of reading is mastered the … Continued

The Domino Dilemma

The Domino Dilemma occurs when students start to compensate for a weak processing skill. Over time the compensation skills effectively allow the student to avoid learning the skills they need to become successful. The impact of the compensation begins the domino effect as students become cognitively overloaded.

Strong Visual Spatial Skills but Struggling to Read

Emma is a hardworking fifth grader who struggles to read. She is clearly bright, so both her parents and teachers wonder why she is not reading better. Emma’s parents took her for testing to figure out the best way to help … Continued

How to Build Initiation Skills

Starting a task requires strong initiation skills. Students who struggle to begin their work may have weak executive functioning skills. Initiation of task is a key executive functioning skill and utilizes other executive functioning skills such as planning and organization. … Continued

How do you teach executive functioning skills to a rigid child?

Today I spoke to a mom of a 10 year old boy who is struggling in school. This student, Ben, is a bright boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD and a processing speed disorder. Ben’s reading, writing and math … Continued