How does processing speed affect learning?

Processing Speed What most parents ask me is,” What does this mean for my child? Why is this important?” There is now an overload of information given out. Definitions and diagnoses are easy to find, the hard part is figuring … Continued

The connection between vision and learning problems

A parent emailed with this question: “George has had  many eye exams,but his reading skills are still poor. I really want to find someone who is good at sorting out how much of his learning issues are vision related and how … Continued

How do Visual Skills affect Reading?

Many parents ask me what they can do at home to help their child with reading skills. Schools have been stressing phonic skills (rightly so), but little is done to strengthen visual processing skills. Reading, writing and math all require … Continued

5 Tips for Fast Math

1. Make sure your child understands the concept Use Manipulatives ( beans, blocks, pennies) to help build the problems Use manipulative to solve the problems Solve the problem without manipulative 2. Do a pretest and see what your child already … Continued

Spelling Tips

My child’s reading fluency has really improved! When can I expect to see an improvement in his spelling? This recent question from a parent about her fifth-grade son is an excellent one, and is relevant to many students. Therefore, I’d … Continued