Bits of Wisdom for All discusses learning challenges and provides suggestions on how to find solutions.
The Domino Dilemma
The Domino Dilemma occurs when students start to compensate for a weak processing skill. Over time the compensation skills effectively allow the student to avoid learning the skills they need to become successful. The impact of the compensation begins the domino effect as students become cognitively overloaded.
Seven Steps to Help Beginning Readers
A child who can read is a child who can learn. And a child who can learn is a child who can succeed in school and in life. Secretary of Education, Margaret Spelling. Margaret Spelling reminds us that learning to read is one of the foundations of life success....
Tips to Develop Flexible Thinking Skills
“I can’t do it! It’s wrong!” Nicole announces loudly. Tears are followed by the declaration that the book is wrong. Nicole is adamant that this is not the way the teacher showed her how to do the problem. Nicole has weak flexible thinking skills that lead...
“I want to be like him!”
Bryce wants to be like his friend who is excellent at soccer, can memorize anything quickly and always has a witty comment to share. So he asked me to explain how his brain works and what he can do to be more like his friend. We discussed his strengths and...
- Identification of Learning Disabilities
- Characteristics distinct to children who have learning challenges
- Parenting skills to help struggling students
- Interventions for students with learning issues

The K & M Center focuses on a whole child approach to learning.
The K&M Center specializes in remediating dyslexia, processing speed issues, ADHD, executive functioning disorder, dysgraphia, language processing issues, and auditory processing issues.
Individualized Treatment Plans
Based on your child’s learning profile, we will create a plan that works
Trained Professionals
All of our Specialists and Coaches are highly trained to provide the intervention your child needs
Summer programs
Use the summer to make big jumps in learning