Bits of Wisdom for All discusses learning challenges and provides suggestions on how to find solutions.
Reimaging Executive Functioning
Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together: Executive Functioning, Self-Regulation, and Social-Emotional Skills by Melissa Mullin, Ph.D. What do students need so they can effectively plan and complete work? Executive functioning skills, a set of skills that work together to...
Reading Fluency is Important
Reading easily makes reading more fun. People who read effortlessly, following the flow of sentences as they’d be spoken, have mastered reading fluency skills. Building reading fluency is crucial to learning because once the skill of reading is mastered the...
Processing Speed Overview and Interventions
Processing speed is a skill that underlies much of what we do each day. Students who process information slowly are at a disadvantage in the classroom. Learn the types of skills that impact processing skills and some remediations and accommodations that can help...
How to help a perfectionist finish schoolwork
Sarah’s son, Todd, is a perfectionist who spends hours doing his homework. He gets upset whenever he doesn’t like his work and tears it up or destroys it rather than fix it. Todd creates an image in his mind of his perfect project, and often his...
- Identification of Learning Disabilities
- Characteristics distinct to children who have learning challenges
- Parenting skills to help struggling students
- Interventions for students with learning issues

The K & M Center focuses on a whole child approach to learning.
The K&M Center specializes in remediating dyslexia, processing speed issues, ADHD, executive functioning disorder, dysgraphia, language processing issues, and auditory processing issues.
Individualized Treatment Plans
Based on your child’s learning profile, we will create a plan that works
Trained Professionals
All of our Specialists and Coaches are highly trained to provide the intervention your child needs
Summer programs
Use the summer to make big jumps in learning