Bits of Wisdom for All  discusses learning challenges and provides suggestions on how to find solutions.  

Working Memory Strategies

Working Memory Strategies

Dear Melissa, My daughter is in 9th grade and has low working memory and slow processing speed. We discovered in 4th grade that she may have a Central Auditory Processing disorder.  I would appreciate any ideas you have that can help her with working memory. Are there...

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Melissa Mullin earned her Ph.D in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Learning and Instruction from the University of California at Los Angeles.  As  the Director of the K & M Center in Santa Monica, CA. Melissa has been helping students, and their parents, learn for over 20 years. Bits of wisdom pass by Melissa’s desk everyday. Parents email and call with new research they find and questions they want her to answer. She continues to learn from both the insights parents share with her and from the ideas she gets while answering their questions. This blog is created to share that wisdom with all. Dr. Mullin provides expert advice in the following areas:
  • Identification of Learning Disabilities
  • Characteristics distinct to children who have learning challenges
  • Parenting skills to help struggling students
  • Interventions for students with learning issues
Melissa offers consultations for parents looking for solutions to their child’s learning challenges. Contact Melissa at

The K & M Center focuses on a whole child approach to learning.

The K&M Center specializes in remediating dyslexia, processing speed issues, ADHD, executive functioning disorder, dysgraphia, language processing issues, and auditory processing issues.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Based on your child’s learning profile, we will create a plan that works

Trained Professionals

All of our Specialists and Coaches are highly trained to provide the intervention your child needs

Summer programs

Use the summer to make big jumps in learning

The K & M Center specializes in learning differences

As Director of the K&M Center Melissa Mullin, Ph.D. has designed 1,000’s of treatment plans for students with learning differences. Contact us if you would like us to customize a plan for your child.

Look No Further. Get Started Today