The Domino Dilemma

The Domino Dilemma occurs when students start to compensate for a weak processing skill. Over time the compensation skills effectively allow the student to avoid learning the skills they need to become successful. The impact of the compensation begins the domino effect as students become cognitively overloaded.

Flashcards Build Memory Skills

All students must memorize information. The benefit of using flashcards is students can quiz themselves on the material. Quizzing has been demonstrated to help students retain information. Mixing up the cards helps students work actively and flexibly with the material. Quizlet is a great … Continued

Working Memory Strategies

Dear Melissa, My daughter is in 9th grade and has low working memory and slow processing speed. We discovered in 4th grade that she may have a Central Auditory Processing disorder.  I would appreciate any ideas you have that can help … Continued

How to Help a Gifted Student who has Average Processing Speed and Working Memory Skills

I love my son and I want to make sure that he has everything he needs to succeed in school and in life. Last year I had to work hard to get an IEP for him due to articulation problems. Part … Continued

Great Book on Processing Speed

Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up by Ellen Braaten, Ph.D. and Brian Willoughby, Ph.D. (2014) is the first book I have found that gives both an overview of processing speed and advice to help parents and schools provide intervention. The … Continued

Working Memory and Processing Speed

  Working memory skills are used for all learning tasks. A child with weak working memory skills has to work harder than other students to keep information in mind, as rather than being able to both hold and process the … Continued